Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I would use a blog in teaching because I feel like it engages the students in writing as well as converstaion. It is a way for students and teachers to reflect. I also could see how it would be a faster way for students to receive feedback.

This is one of my favorite blogs. I love all of lessons that Mrs. King creates and shares.


  1. Shannon, good point about faster feedback, I couldn't agree more. And the convenience of being able to check blog posts from home and not have to lug everything around with you is a plus too :).

    Jen Lawson

  2. Shannon, what a great website you linked on your blog. I was ready to leave intervention and get back to the classroom just so I could try some of her ideas. It's great to see others' take on doing Reader's Workshop and how kids are truly excited about reading and writing. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I hope you get a chance to try blogging with your students later in the year. :)

  4. I loved the website you linked. I may have come across it before, but it was nice to look at it with fresh eyes. I am really liking the adjective idea.
