Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I enjoyed participating in 21 Things for the 21st Century. I felt like I was given an abundance of technology resources to use in my classroom and also my own personal use. I like the element of doing the tasks at my own pace and on my own time. That is very accommodating to teachers that have a busy schedule. The tutorials were easy to follow and I would definitely recommend  this class to other educators.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Web 2.0 tools

Wordle is a great tool you could use for a variety of things in the classroom. I like the idea of making "word clouds" from text that you have created. I could use it in writing for an adjective lesson or in reading for characterization. Letterpop is an interesting tool. It could be a great way to communicate more with parents. Instead of just the traditional way of sending home a newsletter, with Letterpop you can communicate using your newsletter with email, Facebook, Twitter, RSS feed in an easy way. Slideroll is another great tool to create slide shows. Students could use this with making presentations, I could use it with teaching a variety of lessons, or just making a slide show of pictures of my class. Webspiration seems like it would be a good tool to use in your classroom. Student could use it to write essays or reports. It would probably be too difficult for primary level students, but could be beneficial for higher grades.


Skype is a great tool to open up your classroom to the world. I feel like it would be very rewarding for my students to connect with other students from other countries. It would be a great and fun way to learn about cultures, history, authors. The ideas are endless.